

What do you like in the e-puck robot?
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 13:43

The e-puck robot is equipped with 3D accelerometer placed as illustrated here:


accelerometer placement on the robot with axes direction


Next figure is the data acquisition when taking the e-puck and putting it back on a table making a circular mouvement in YZ plan direction (on the horizontal axis you have the sample number, on the vertical axis the values acquired on the three axis):


accelerometer data acquired with circular mouvement


Next figure is the data acquisition with a 3D random movement (on the horizontal axis you have the sample number, on the vertical axis the values acquired on the three axis):

accelerometer data with random mouvement


When the robot moves, the steppers motors perform a given number of steps per seconds. At each step there is a strong micro-acceleration and micro-deceleration of the robot. Next figure shows the acceleration measured by the accelerometer and due to the stepper motor when moving at 70steps/s. Sampling is made at 7kHz. On the X axis there is the sample number.

noise on accelerometer data with 70step/s

Next figure shows the acceleration due to the stepper motor when moving at 150steps/s. Sampling is made at 7kHz. On the X axis there is the sample number.
noise on accelerometer data with 150step/s
Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 April 2017 08:31
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