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Wednesday, 24 November 2010 14:41

Epuck Range and Bearing Board

The e-Puck Range & Bearing board (e-RandB) improves the existing relative localization/communication software library (libIrcom) developed for the e-puck robot and based on its on-board infrared sensors. The e-RandB has been developed in collaboration with Robolabo, Iridia and RBZ Robot Design.

The board allows situated agents to communicate locally, obtaining at the same time both the range and the bearing of the emitter without the need of any centralized control or any external reference. Therefore, the board allows the robots to have an embodied, decentralized and scalable communication system. The system relies on infrared communications with frequency modulation and is composed of two interconnected modules for data and power measurement.

The board can communicate with the e-puck through the Uart or I2C bus. It allows the user to select one of the two buses depending on which is already used by other extension modules. However, different frame rates are achieved depending on the communicaton bus. With the actual software version we are obtaining a 50 msg/sec with the Uart bus while 150 msg/sec for the I2C, where each message is made up of a 6 bits header, 16 bits for data and 4 bits crc.

All the information about the e-RandB is provided here


The e-RandB board is actually used at:

  • ROBOLABO, ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • IRIDIA, CoDE, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium
  • IDSIA, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Manno-Lugano, Switzerland
  • LARAL, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome, Italy
  • ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Self-Organizing Systems Research Group, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

E-RandB Files:

E-RandB Articles:

Its use and capabilities are demonstrated in the following papers:

  • Álvaro Gutiérrez, Alexandre Campo, Marco Dorigo, Félix Monasterio-Huelin and Jesús Donate. Open E-puck Range & Bearing Miniaturized Board for Local Communication in Swarm Robotics. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2009, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, In press.
  • Álvaro Gutiérrez, Alexandre Campo, Marco Dorigo, Daniel Amor, Luis Magdalena and Félix Monasterio-Huelin. An Open Localisation and Local Communication Embodied Sensor. Sensors 8(11), pages 7545-7563, November 2008. ISSN: 1424-8220
Last Updated on Sunday, 29 April 2018 05:24
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