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Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 13:08

Compiler and IDE

The dsPIC processor family is supported by the GCC GNU compiler collection as the PIC30 target.


Under Windows, the MPLAB environment from Microchip can be used with their C30 compiler, which is a version of GCC for dsPIC with some limitations. Those limitations can be removed by recompiling C30 from its sources.

To connect the ICD2 hardware to the e-puck you need to change the connector and use an e-puck (red 6 pins) connector. It’s a Tyco connector called Micro match, type is 7-215083-6 .

To upload the .hex files without the use of microchip's ICD, you can use the Tiny PIC bootloader.


In Unixes, the piklab environment is available. Its web page provides instructions on how to get or build gcc for PIC30.

In addition, if you are running a Debian derivative (such as Ubuntu), there are instructions here on how to build cleans debs of latest PIC30 compiler (version 2.05). If you have troubles during compilation (particularly on Ubuntu, which uses dash as /bin/sh), please read the rest of the page as there is further explanations.

To upload the .hex files you have the choices of three Unix program:

  • epuckuploadbt: a C++ program, requires libbluetooth to be compiled, but then is fully automatic, uses the discovery capabilities of bluetooth and does not require any changes in /dev
  • epuckupload: a perl program, does not need to be compiled nor requires libbluetooth, but need a proper rfcomm link setuped.
  • using piklab-prog (from piklab): it allows you to progam your e-puck using the ICD2. Instruction available here .

Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 December 2010 14:30
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