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The latest news on the e-Puck Robot

Rat's Life: e-puck robot programming competition Print
Written by Olivier Michel   
Tuesday, 24 May 2011 09:50

Rat's Life: e-puck robot programming competition

A new edition of the Rat'sLife competition started recently and will be running permanently. This programming contest is based on the e-puck robot and the free version of the Webots simulation software. It features two simulated e-puck robots roaming a LEGO maze and competing for survival. The robots can navigate the maze using SLAM techniques and recharge their batteries from four chargers. The longer lasting robot is declared to be the winner.

So far, a robot called Ratatouille is the best competitor with a very efficient vision-based SLAM algorithm and navigation system. Any student or researcher can engage the competition at any time and try to challenge the best competitors. Teacher willing to use this competition for robotics curricula are also very welcome.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 09:57
V-REP simulator supports e-puck Print
Written by Francesco Mondada   
Thursday, 20 January 2011 08:15

V-REP - the Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform - now includes a simulation model of the e-puck robot. The user can easily modify, adjust or rewrite the example control code to fit his/her own needs. The user can also easily compose complex simulation scenes by dragging-and-dropping new models or robots into the scene, allowing the e-puck to also interact with other robots, furniture, or custom-made models.

V-REP is a 3D robot simulator based on a distributed control architecture: control programs (or scripts) can be directly attached to scene objects and run simultaneously in a threaded or non-threaded fashion. This makes V-REP very versatile and ideal for multi-robot applications, and allows users to model robotic systems in a similar fashion as in reality - where control is most of the time also distributed.

Complex simulation can be created by making use of the various supported functionality, including:

- 2 physics engines support (Bullet and ODE)
- Full forward/inverse kinematics solver (handles any type of mechanism)
- Collision detection calculations
- Minimum distance calculations (mesh-mesh distance)
- Path planning (holonomic tasks in 2-6 dimensions and non-holonomic tasks for car-like vehicles)
- Proximity sensor simulation (exact minimum distance calculation within a customizable detection volume)
- Camera-like sensor simulation (fully customizable, with image processing capabilities)
- Various integrated edit modes (mesh edit modes, path edit mode, and custom UI edit mode)
- CAD data import/export (DXF, OBJ, 3DS or STL)
- Simulation data recording, graphing and export
- Various extension mechanisms (through scripts, plugins or a custom client application)

V-REP has various prices and licensing schemes. Students can use V-REP on their private computer free of charge.

Last Updated on Thursday, 20 January 2011 08:21
Open hardware linux extension for epuck Print
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 16:32

The swarm group from the Bristol Robotics Laboratory has released, as open-hardware, the design of a Linux  extension board for the e-puck robot.  This extension board is based on a 32-bit ARM9 microprocessor and provides wireless network support. It runs an embedded Linux operating system, along with a Debian-based port of the root file system stored in a Micro SD card.  The extended e-puck robot platform provides a powerful and flexible platform for experimental swarm robotics research. All design files, together with full setup instructions and code images, can be downloaded from http://lpuck.sourceforge.net . A reference paper describing the design and its applications can be found here

e-puck workshop Print
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 16:31

March 2010: GCtronic organized an e-puck workshop at EPFL. Participants were from GCtronic, CyberboticsMOBOTSLISDISAL and LA. Here some presentations Extensions-PC interfacesBattery managementMolole-aseba.

List of e-puck publication available Print
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 16:29

We setted up a page on the e-puck.org web site with most available publications using the e-puck robot. There are more than 65 publications up to now and this is growing fast. Please let me know if you have a publication not listed on this web page by sending me the bibtex information.

Thanks a lot to everybody for sharing this information!



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